Taxes and overview

Monthly Networthshare Entry:

I did my taxes in April. I’d set up automatic withholding but I still had to pay the IRS because of capital gains. I should be getting a state tax refund soon though. I also took a DXA scan to compare with the one I took last April and I’ve lost 2 lbs of fat since last year! Yay for a lifestyle of healthy diet and exercise! Otherwise, I’m spending all my time with work or with my boyfriend; just showing up, buckling down, and pushing through.

This month I’ll revisit where my net worth comes from:
Cash: From my checking and savings accounts. Does not include : Venmo balance (currently 2K!), Splitwise balance owed to me, or cash rewards balances.
Stocks: From two brokerage accounts. Does not include: Coinbase wallet or Robinhood since they aren’t significant amounts of money compared to the other two.
Bonds: I own T-bonds, like actual physical pieces of paper. I had assumed they were filed away somewhere, but I could not find them when I went through all my papers for taxes in April. I’m listing $500 but this is mostly a flag for me to hunt them down.
Retirement: I have a 401K and a Roth IRA. Most of my 401K is my Roth contributions but a small part is a taxable employer match.
Other Assets: A rollover IRA, this is a taxable account.
Credit Cards: Balances from the two credit cards I use. I have auto pay set up to pay these off every month.
Auto Loans: a 0% loan which I’m 3 months away from paying off.

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